Saturday, 19 September 2009


Regulars gave us a funny look and the bartender ignored us. Once I finally got someones attention, I asked for a beer and a drink for my wife. She rarely drinks, but when she does she likes a mixed drink called a "Tokyo Tea". The bartender said "we don't make no fancy drinks here!" I pointed out that it is merely a Long Island with Medori (melon) liqueur instead of coke. "Oh, she said, never heard of it" It's a pretty standard drink in any bar I point out. After receiving our drinks, I brought them to a dirty table that my wife had found. My wife tried to use the restroom, but YIKES!! What is that!! We enjoy 80's / 90's rock music, but it was so loud we couldn't hear each other from 6 inches away.
After our drink, we went on our merry "Ozzy and Harriet" way.

It's actually the kind of place we'd like to go. If the regulars didn't look at you like you were trespassing, the bartender could pour more than beer, the music was turned from 11 to 7 or 8, and you could use a restroom without contracting Hep C.

Tuesday, 15 September 2009

45. Icy Ritter

Bed nook | of pine | thicket,
Branches | crinkled | o’erhead
As roof | and sides | best bed

Chambers | the high | mountains
Afford | snug squi | rrel-nests,
Venti | lated, | spicy

Odor, | wind-played | needles
Sing for | company | y, six
Nestle | among | tassels.

Night-wind | began | to blow
Gentle | breathing, | increase
Toward | midnight | to gale.

15/ix/9 – Fremont

59. A Near View of the High Sierra

Fell up | on leaf | y roof
In rag | ged surg | es like
Cascade, | bearing | wild sounds

From crag | & wat | erfall
Chorus | filling | old ice-
Fountain | with sol | emn roar,

Seeming | increase | as night
Advanced | voice fit | landscape.
Crept to | fire in | night, t’were

Bitten | cold sans | blankets.
Gladly | I welcome | d the
Morning | stars; cont | inents.

15/ix/9 – Fremont

Sunday, 13 September 2009

43. Time

Our school | was rock | pool in
Beside | the great | ocean
& we | lease this | grizzled

Silver | zone of | 7
Questions. | That we | should urn
Always | of ‘no | order

Ly Marx | ist ris | ing’, flame
Bent down | from the | hips the
World’s best | a few | don’ts as

We feels | harsh sun | between
Madras | needle | branches,
What his | tory | is this.

12/ix/9 – Glasgow

We are manufactory of cooking stove

Now I am on my way to San Francisco, via Chicago and Seattle, after going to Glasgow and London.

44. Aquatic Park

Fruit taste | all till | regain
That, or | who the | Thy with
Above | things, & | prefer,

& thou | on with | [that] preg
Nant what: | to I | the first
View. Say | parents; | ‘Heav’n their

One who | revolt | guile dec
Eiv’d his | Heaven | angels,
Himself | trusted’ | – if ag

Ainst [that] | rais’d proud | power.
With bott | omless | chains the
Spacemen | vanquisht, | though more.

6/ix/9 – Brighton

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

The idea of prison is that it should be a punishment. It it fails to do that, the prison regime is too soft. I say ban television and cigarettes, and make prison about exercise and hard work. Sentences can then be shorter, and it won't be seen as a five-star easy life.